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Someone suggested to me that I should get an update here it very own page....I can write down my updates! I am sooo happy!



Happy Independence Day to all you who celebrate it! Neon Fantasy, bless her heart, sent me I have something to update...I've been so busy w/other things, I need to look for more fanfics, etc. So sorry...And a lot of people i've lost contact...o well, anyway I might be coming out w/another stick around, but that might be awhile because I leave for vacation tomm. BYE

Wow I haven't updated in a year...boy does time fly, sorry all you fans who have given up on this site...don't worry it'll be please come back I hope I haven't scared you all away...With all the activities I've been in, I totally forgot about my, I felt bad if I shut it down, cuz a lot of sites have been going i'll work harder I promise...anyway enough I'll be posting more up here and there so check it out!

Hehehe...Well i have been updating just not posting...i've been adding fics here and there and I have two new ones I am putting up today! Plus today is my Mom's b-day! Anyway, I have a i have to change my profile! ANyway I'm think I am going to add i just have to decide what would complement the site. Hmmmm.? I sense a poll coming on.

05/27/03 I just added my sequel to the Joy of Life is Living Check it out! 04/17/03 I fixed the counter....anyway i have updated fics.....have 2 new looooooooong fics! hehehe i'm soooooo excited! sooo read read read! and review review! 04/14/03 Happy Easter Everyone! Okay okay...Trust fics will be up soon. THank you all who have sooooooooo much patience in me...I'm sooooooooo bad...And Friday will be major updating cuz NO SCHOOL! YIPEEEEEEEEE! Anyway, I have a brand new wallpaper...and i'm probably gonna change the poll thank you have given me new thoughts to think about...and i might actually make another alternative sight. And people...pleaaaaaaaase post in the forum *on knees begging* I'm so unhappy...i thought more people would post...maybe people just dont know about it...well if you would please post! Laterz LOve Ya'll ALL!!!

YES! I was able to change the layout. Finally! I did not like the green/pink thing anymore...but it took forever to change it....tell me if you like it or not...I am also going to do another your vote is important! So please vote...its easy...and wont but take a second...and please sign my guestbook...i would like to know what you think. Anywaz, I am also adding things here and there....o yeah, I also want to know....someone email and tell me, if you would like to here music when you start up the page...I'm thinking about adding let me know...i 'specially like Endless Waltz ending theme white reflections....I just might add that....anywaz....let me know...o yeah, i also updated Duo's Room and I also have 1 new wallpaper (that's really good!) 

I'm a very bad webmistress....i have not been updating Duo and Relena have been I've decided to update...wallpaper will be up, a new poll, the gallery will have more pictures, i have animated gifs...and cute chibi pictures of Duo and Relena...i also will update Duo's Room...please pleeeeeeeease if you have anything *on her knees* send me something.


Sorry, I'm a very bad updater! MY computer crashed so...sighs..i had to start all over again! So i've been rebuilding...and i lost my internet service, so i have it ahhhhhhhhhh! o yeah, my wallpaper has went nuts!!! sooo.........ahhhhhhhhh! Anywaz, i'm taking my permit test tomm, i'll be 15 finally! soooo hahaha o yeah, i Hope every one had a Happy New YEar! love ya'll all and thanks for visiting my site!


I have two new fan fic!!!!!! plus another one coming up....!!!!

I have a couple more new Duo/Relena pics to add in Together forever. I also have a new link to add, and I still have some fanfics to post! I also changed the layout...added a text animated cursor, added a new 'Gundam' kitty...and thats bout far...o yeah changing the poll, too.

10/07/02 I also added an animated cursor...i had a text...but it was black and i could not change the color, so i used the beads insteadl...if this wallpaper doesnt work i'm gonna delete the stupid page! 10/06/02 Hey ya'll i'm updating my links...and adding some enjoy...the wallpaper is ahhhhhhhhhhhh! 10/03/02 WOw...i'm actually updating again. isnt that cool. well i've a couple new fan fics, and i'm trying to get this wallpaper right, but ahhhhhhhh...anywaz, i also added a new have a ball explore! (i'm workin in duo's room too!) 9/26/02 Its beeeeeen a looooooong time since I've updated. I'm sorry i've been sooooooooo busy. But hey i'm doing it now. I added a counter and a few more other things. ENJOY!

Hey peeps! I put up a new poll! GO check it out and Vote! Thanks for all the people who voted for the last poll and said there comments...i really appreciate that...and i hope to see more comments on this next poll! anyway the tally is in and the votes add up to: RElena and Duo win as a favorite couple! WHOOO! anyway i lost some fan fics...people have sent i have to find them...or i'm in big trouble! ahhhh.......! so todalo...check in laterz


School has been out for me for 3 weeks. Summer is now in. Okay peeps, i now i've been horrible at updating but i'm back. Well during this month I have more fanfics to post, fanart and pictures. I just have to get to them all. So hang in folks, new stuff is arriving every day. So i'll be updating a lil there and a lil here. so i'll be poppin in and out.


HEY all..not much...see i'm grounded so updates are minimual...anywaz i gotta add a new pic....but it'll be another month before i do so..until then...ta ta


Boy have i've been makin mistakes latley...largely do to the lack of time...from my dad being in surgery, my bro. in tournaments...well i know no excuse but still...o by the way HAPPY VALENTINES EVERYONE!!!! WHOOOO ITS MY BIRTHDAY ALSO!! I'M 14! now i can start joining web rings ^^!!! well i want to say i love ya to the sweetest guy in the world TY!!! i corrected my mistakes...sorry bout the fan fic story, and i updated DUo's room, which some how got messed up too...boy has this been a long post, well i'm signing offf....bai bye!


Sorry for like not updatin in a while...i'm on restriction, i have fan arts and fan fics to put i'm doing it ^^


Just had to change some stuff on my site....


Hey Merry Christmas to you all!!! I uploaded the wrong banners so I had to change it ^_^, but the new one is up now!!! and I've updated the Fav. Link page!


Well...guess what! In a couple days....This site has been out for One month!!!!! Yeah! It didn't seem that long though! So I'm updating early since I won't be here when this site is celebrating is one month anniversary! Soo just to let you know...I usually change the layout, ect...Every month!


I know I said I'll update once a month...I kinda lied...anyway I have good news. I have two Duo and Relena fics that I am posting sooooooooooooooooooo I had to put them up today...right away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Okay...i will stop updating...but I just got 3 new fics!


I will stop updating...but i just had to change the gallery and I added a new fic.


Okay...I update to much i know...but i can't help it...I finally got permission from the artist if I could use her pic on my its finally changed from the suprise pic to this cool one...! Anyway, I have 6 new pics so check out the fanart page! Their awesome drawings! I also have one new fic!

11/11/01 i have an obssesion of updating! Anyway, I have tons and tons of new Duo/Relena pics and a 3 new fics. sooo I just had to post them!


Ya know this is becoming my diary...anyway...I have fanfics to post but I haven't got to them yet as well as a poll booth...ect to put up...I just had time to put up my guest thats all the updating i have*ugh*!


Wow i haven't updated in a long time...thats because when i put in my guestbook I messed up with my html code....there was some unexpected results.....Well I have a couple of fics and an AWARD to post! Also I just added a poll.