Your probably asking how did I come up with a web site on Duo and Relena. Well, I read a story on them on a particular
website and decided that they would go well together. I started searching on the web for sites about them but I couldn't find
any. So I decided to do a site of my own about them. Now don't start throwing vegetables yet. I am totally
into the Relena and Heero/Duo and Hilde as couples...I am such a fan. But I guess I always wonder what would happen if Relena
liked/loved someone else besides Heero. Same with all the couples of Gundam Wing. Your probably asking why I didn't do a site
about all of them...I will tell you...Duo is my favorite character of the Gundam Wing series and movie.
Why I picked them as a couple. Well, Duo was the first anime character I had ever seen that was always funny or having a good
time. Relena was always so serious and kind of prissy. I thought that they would go good together since one is so happy and
the other is kind of solemn. (My parents are the same way, My dad: is always happy, My mom is: serious.) This is
a non-yaoi site so if that repulses you please leave. (I am not trying to be mean, just to the point.) If you
have any questions, comments, or ideas please e-mail me. I am open to any suggestions. Thank you for stopping
by please be open minded and enjoy your stay here. *Some pages are still under construction.*
Sincerely, -Anne/violetangel